Work on CERN’s main building (B60) begun in April 2023 is well on the way.
The demolition of the 6th floor structure took place in the spring. A new contractor team replaced the previous scaffolding with a lightweight one, and site facilities have been reorganized into two levels. The elevation of the building began in July and continued through the fall, with the installation of the facades.
This timelapse offers a comprehensive overview of the transformations undergone by the emblematic main building.
PPM and teams working on site do their best to minimize noise and potential negative effects of works. Past-weeks disturbances were primarily related to the demolition of the northern stairwell head, that is now nearly complete. The metallic structure for Charpak Room will be installed by the end of the year and the other floors will see window installation, plastering and setup of various technical networks, in the coming weeks.
The reconstruction phase is now ongoing!