Terms and conditions

1. Procedures regarding the distribution of standard materials with a tax-exempt status

This document describes and explains the procedures regarding the distribution of standard materials with a tax-exempt status (diplomatic franchise) through the CERN Stores service.


2. Ordering items through the CERN Stores service

Items can be requested for delivery tax free from the CERN Stores service in one of 2 ways, either through:


N.B. All EDH requests must be fully approved by the requestor's line management before they can be processed by the CERN Stores service. Requests will not be actioned until such approval is received.


3. Regulations

3.1 Eligibility - Who can use the CERN Stores service ?

  • Members of the CERN personnel (MPEs);
  • CERN Users (MPAs);
  • Personnel of external companies working with CERN, but only where the contract governing the relationship between CERN and that external company provides for its employees' use of the CERN Stores service and all items are purchased for use in the execution of CERN's scientific program.


3.2 What information is needed in a request to the CERN Stores service ?

Along with a fully filled out and approved EDH material request, or Urgency Window request (see above), the requestor must also provide:

  • A budget code or a Team Account number; and
  • A delivery address on the CERN site.


3.3 Rules governing use of items purchased from the CERN Stores

Items purchased from the CERN Stores service:

  1. must be for the execution of CERN's scientific program;
  2. must remain on the CERN domain, except for when rule 3 (below) is being complied with;
  3. may only be taken outside the CERN sites when they are transported with documents showing their proof of ownership by CERN and their origin (i.e. their pro forma invoice, transfer slip, commercial invoice). This documentation must be attached to the item(s) to enable any requisite customs controls. The pro forma invoice can be obtained via an EDH shipping request;
  4. Claim period: the requestor is required to inspect the materiel upon receipt to ensure that it is complete, not damaged and corresponds to the material request. Any complaint shall be addressed to the CERN Service Portal within two weeks following the reception of the material by internal delivery. After this delay, the complaint will not be retained.
  5. for purchases via CERN Store: please note that prices are subject to change after submission of the request. The requestor and the budget holder will be notified in case the total amount increase is superior to 500 CHF.
  6. for orders placed through external catalogues Punchout: please note that prices are subject to change after submission of the request. The requestor and the budget holder will be notified in case the total amount increase is superior to 10% or 30 CHF of the purchase line value. 

See also Stores - Material Return


4. Limitations

  • The private use of items purchased through the CERN Stores service is strictly prohibited.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, the CERN Stores service is not available for use by any of the CERN clubs. In the event of any doubt as to your status, please contact the CERN Stores service before making the EDH request.
  • The CERN Stores Service cannot be used for the purchasing of material that is not intended for the execution of CERN's scientific program.