Make Your Reservation
These apartments are restricted to CERN Users with a CERN garant (MPEs only), and for MPEs under certain conditions (see below). The apartments may be booked three months in advance of arrival. The request for the reservation will be also sent to the CERN garant for information.
Their reservation implies that the renter has read and understood the Code of Conduct for Hotel and Apartments.
CERN Apartments
Thirteen fully furnished and equipped apartments, subleased by CERN, are located in Meyrin and Grand-Saconnex. You can find a list of all CERN's apartments in this link.
The apartments may be booked three months in advance of arrival. The duration of the sub-lease can go from 1 month up to 6 months (maximum 3 months for STAF, FELL, GRAD, ADMI, DOCT, TECH, TRNE). CERN only offers FIXED TERM rentals, as defined by the Geneva state regulation. In particular, early cancellation of a rental period is not possible. Extensions above 6 months can exceptionally be granted, by successive one month long new FIXED TERM leases, if established a maximum of 30 calendar days and a minimum of 15 calendar days before the end of the current lease. A maximum of 3 extensions can be permitted for each lease period. A minimum of 90 calendar days must pass between the end of the last lease period and applying for a new lease.
The monthly rent includes:
- charges for water and heating (rentals, rental of the counter and consumption);
- a lump sum to cover the 4 hours of cleaning at the end of the sub-lease.
The monthly doesn't include:
- charges for the fixed line phone, internet, and electricity (rentals, rates, and consumption) where applicable;
- any additional costs of cleaning at the end of the sub-lease over and above the lump sum provided for in the rent;
- repairs, renovation, etc. made necessary through negligence on the part of the sub-tenant.
The first rent shall be paid by the sub-tenant no more than 5 days after he has received the keys. Thereafter, the monthly rent shall be paid in full in advance, no later than the first day of each month to the CERN Housing.
Please note that pets are not allowed in our apartments.
Resiliation / Extension
The premises must imperatively be vacated by the sub-tenant at the latest by the date of termination or resiliation of the present sub-lease. Any day of occupancy or of failure to return the keys beyond this date is liable to expose the sub-tenant to the payment of indemnities and damages for unlawful occupancy, as well as to the reimbursement of expenses incurred by CERN and/or the next sub-tenant due to the fact that he is prevented from taking up residence in the premises. In such circumstances, CERN reserves the right to engage in the applicable legal action.
CERN reserves moreover the right to resiliate this sub-lease with immediate effect in the following instances:
- following a summons to pay the rent to no effect;
- on the specified termination date;
- in cases of non-compliance with the conditions defined in the Articles 5 and 6 of the sub-lease;
In circumstances beyond the control of the sub-tenant ('force majeure'), a negotiated early or late departure may be envisaged, providing that:
- a written request be submitted with adequate justification;
- in the case of early departure, CERN will suffer no financial loss;
- in the case of postponed departure, the apartment has not been otherwise committed during the requested period. This extension will be formalised through a contract amendment, signed by both parties.
To guarantee fulfillment of the obligations subscribed to by virtue of this sub-lease, the sub-tenant shall pay a deposit (amount defined in the sub-lease) within the same time limit as the one prescribed above (cf Rent) for settlement of the first rent. This sum may not be used as payment of the contractual rent. It shall be refunded to the sub-tenant at the latest three months following vacation of the premises after deduction of all outstanding costs, charges, and invoices for which he may be liable, including those which CERN may be required to reimburse in lieu of or on behalf of the sub-tenant.