General Information


  • Emergency numbers

    • 74444: Fire brigade. Available 24/7, the Fire Brigade's line is to be called in case of an emergency at CERN. From any phone, dial +41 22 767 4444, the short number 74444 can be used from a CERN internal phone.
    • 76666: CSA (Security service). Available 24/7, CSA's line answers all your security-related questions, such as how to access CERN, noise disturbance during the night, lost property and suspicious or unattended packages, antisocial conduct, criminal acts, suspicious behaviour, etc.
  • Emergency phone

A red phone is located on the ground floor near the elevators, in each of the three hotel buildings. It links directly to the CERN Fire Brigade and triggers an alarm, please use it only in case of emergency. This line is available even in case of power outage or IP network breakdown.

  • Evacuation

If you were not notified of a scheduled fire drill, please take each audible alarm as an emergency.

Evacuation plans are located on the back of your bedroom door and in every hallway. Shall the fire alarm sounds, please proceed to the nearest emergency door and to the nearest meeting point.

Infirmary is located in B57, and open from Monday to Friday from 8am to 12:30pm | from 1:30pm to 5pm (Tel. 73802). In case of emergency, call the Fire Brigade immediatly at 74444.

  • Electrical plugs

If any of the electrical plugs within your room are faulty, please notifiy the reception immediately. You are welcome to use your own appliances, though toasters and other cooking equipment is strictly prohibited.

  • In case of blackout 

For any planned electrical or water outage, a maximum of information will be sent by mail as soon as possible.
During an electrical cut please do not use refrigerators and freezers to ensure the best conservation of the food. Do not try to use kitchenware or laundry machines.

Code of conduct

Please note that in case of disrespect of the above Code of Conduct, fees could be added to the guest's invoice, and its access to the hotel could be revoked.
Particularly, damage in the room or on the furniture, may lead to additional charges in order to repair / clean / replace the damage done.

Environmental impact

Allow us to share here a few improvements we made through the years to reduce the environmental impact of the Hotel activity:

  1. Towels and sheets are not changed everyday,
  2. Recycling bins are installed in all kitchens,
  3. Most of the faucets have have been equipped with aerators that reduce the water flow,
  4. Most of the lights have been replaced with LED.

Protection of the environment being a common effort, please help us, by making yourself at home!

  1. Turn off the lights before leaving,
  2. Turn off the heat when you open the window,
  3. Do not let the water run when you shave, soap, or brush your teeth,
  4. Report any leaks or abnormalities at the reception,
  5. Do not dispose of non-flushable hygiene waste in the toilets, please use the bathroom bin.