Prevessin Data Center’s integrated tests and heat recovery success


PDC project


Building 775 has been renamed as Prévessin Data Centre. The project continues its course to a delivery and commissioning certificate to be signed before Christmas 2023.

The tight phasing between the tests carried out with load banks and the transition to the tests including IT’s servers is going according to plan. The integrated tests commenced mid-October-23. The installation of IT servers by CERN's IT department is scheduled for mid-November, marking a crucial milestone for the project.

The heat recovery tests, conducted ahead of the heat plant project, were successfully completed. SCE-SAM-IN and its contractor in coordination with EQUANS, responsible for the design and execution of the Prévessin Data Center, were able to achieve the required 32 degrees temperature at the exit valve of the network available on the west façade. The results of these tests will be used to procure the heat pump for the new heat plant project. When completed, the CERN Prevessin site will be supplied with an efficient and renewable energy source.

The project team is coordinating with EQUANS the ongoing final test to completion, ensuring the proper functioning and handover of all systems including the ones maintained by CERN such as the fire detection and access control systems. Part of the testing phase on a DC involves simulating failure scenarios considering all trades. This process is witnessed by a variety of stakeholders involved in the project.  The preparation of the building’s handover to the operations teams is also under way.

Once the data center starts the operational period after Christmas the PUE will be monitored for a year to validate the target of 1.15, among the best in the world.