Space Management

Objectives and Scope

The purpose of this policy is to standardize space practices throughout the SCE Department. The policy is applicable to all existing and future physical space managed by the SCE Department.

The RoPO for Space Management Forum can be found here.

Concepts and Principles

Space planning and management shall respect the following concepts:

  • Consistency to uniform practices in space management.
  • Efficiency to reduce costs.
  • Effectiveness with new standards for space uses and working practices.
  • Flexibility to create working environments that satisfy today’s needs and can adapt to fulfil future requirements.
  • Equity to ensure space is allotted fairly throughout the Department.
  • Sustainability to fully use existing resources and avoid undue waste.
  • Transparency to communicate to all SCE Department members the basis for decision-making regarding space management.
  • Productivity to establish a climate of productive work environment that values the professional life and work of the SCE Department members.
  • Durability to introduce the concept of time of conservation of buildings.
  • Comfort to provide a comfortable environment.
  • Collaboration to encourage collaboration amongst individuals within the Department.
  • Safety to consider the safety and security of individuals in space allocations, and to consider the safety and responsible care of documents and data.

Space planning and management shall respect the following principles:

  • The SCE Department manages the spaces that have been allocated by CERN to its activities at departmental level.
  • Space is re-assignable. Allocation of space does not imply permanence.
  • Space is a shared resource. To avoid duplication of space, equipment and services, space is to be shared whenever possible. If necessary, usage procedures should be developed when multiple parties use the same space.
  • Space is a scarce resource. Changes to space allocations should be based on existing infrastructure CERN-wide, as opposed to uncontrolled creation of new spaces (e.g., barrack rentals, ad-hoc storages…) 
  • Space is allocated equitably amongst SCE Department members. Periodic reviews of space occupancy and utilization shall occur and may result in the reallocation of space to maximize use and meet the Department’s priorities and needs.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Departmental Space Manager (DSM- contact below) shall oversee the correct implementation of this policy and is responsible for the overall departmental space management, by delegation of the DH.

Cécile Pinto

Space Requests

  • All space will be subject to allocation and reallocation to align with the Department strategic priorities.
  • Space allocation will not be considered on grounds such as prior practices, informal discussions, past use, and negotiations.
  • If space is available for relocation, it will be transferred to the departmental space pool.
  • Any space request must be submitted by GLs for evaluation of the DSM.
  • Requests for space modifications and renovations shall be addressed to the DSM for review. Cost of reallocations should be identified and approved before execution by the GL concerned.
  • Plans involving other Departments are discussed in the SMF

Assignable Spaces

Space allocations are discussed with and approved by the GLs. In case of conflicts, DH arbitration applies.

Office Space

Space that provides an environment for an office operation and can house one or more persons depending on its surface and configuration. It is assigned by the GL in concertation with the DSM.

Hotelling Space A working space that is shared between two or more persons of the same department. Space is unassigned. Workstations and/or office seating available can be booked by through a dedicated tool.
Conference and/or Meeting Space Space used to conduct conferences and/or meetings and may be equipped. They are open to all persons working on site and are centrally managed by the DSM. Can be reserved through the dedicated tool Indico.
Storage Space

Space designated for the storage of all kinds of equipment’s and material. In the Department, it typically refers to small areas near offices and facilities buildings that help teams to deliver their mission efficiently. Large storage spaces at CERN are managed centrally.

Workshop Space

A space used primarily for technical and operational purposes. The workshop spaces are managed by the DSM.

Swing Space Temporary office space to be used in case of space work renovations. The swing space hosts temporarily persons that need to vacate their offices. SCE swing space is fully managed by the SCE DSM.
Common Space

Refers to all common spaces that are used to provide circulation and services, such us, but not limited to corridors, stairwells, entrances, restrooms. The common spaces are managed by the DSM. Elevators are considered common spaces, but its maintenance is managed by the technical department concerned