CERN Accelerating science

Booking Rules - CERN Hotel Terms and Conditions of Reservation


CERN Hotel Terms and Conditions of Reservation

Reservations for the CERN Hotel and the Foyer Résidence Schuman in Saint-Genis-Pouilly are subject to acceptance of these terms and conditions in their entirety, as well as acceptance of the Hotel Rules – Code of Conduct. 

The CERN Housing Service runs the hotel in buildings 38, 39 and 41 on the CERN site in Switzerland. In addition, rooms are at disposal in the Foyer Résidence Schuman located in Saint-Genis-Pouilly, France. For this document, the term “CERN Hotel” shall be deemed to include both establishments.

These terms and conditions apply to all reservations made for the CERN Hotel.

The provisions of these terms and conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with their true meaning and effect.

The use of the hotel is strictly reserved for professional purposes directly related to the organization’s operations. It is intended to support work-related activities and enhance staff working conditions when justified by operational needs. The hotel may not be used for personal or family purposes, even by beneficiaries of the Housing Service.

The CERN Hotel reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice these terms and conditions, its online reservation system and/or the CERN Hotel website(s). 

CERN Hotel Eligibility according to Registration Status

Reservation may only be made for people eligible to stay at the CERN Hotel as follows.

The CERN hotel located on the CERN site in Switzerland is not open to the general public. Access is restricted to certain categories of people, connected to the official activities of the Organization.

The hotel Reception staff cannot offer a reservation before clarifying the reason for the stay as they need to check that the enquiry emanates from a person entitled to stay at the CERN Hotel.

IMPORTANT: All persons entering the CERN site must be in possession of an access card issued by CERN certifying that they are authorised to do so. Access cards are issued by the Registration Service and Access Control Service in Building 33.

Any change in the status of a CERN individual during its stay at the Hotel must be communicated to the reception staff, to check again eligibility to stay at the Hotel. No guest can stay at the Hotel after its affiliation to CERN ends.

No person is allowed to take residence on CERN’s international territory and therefore at the CERN Hotel on the Meyrin site. The maximum length of stay is 90 days in a period of 6 consecutive months without exception.

• No person is allowed to have future reservations for more than 90 days at any given time (Meyrin and Foyer Schuman)                               

• If not otherwise stated, the minimum age for any person to be accepted at the CERN Hotel is 18 years at the date of arrival at CERN. Please note that no children are allowed to sleep in the Hotel. Infants are allowed on the premises during the day in the company of a breastfeeding mother using the infant feeding room for this specific purpose.                                          

• Eligibility criteria to stay at the CERN Hotel depends on your CERN registration status and your reason for visiting whilst at CERN and must be mentioned at the time of reservation. The CERN Hotel may request confirmation from a CERN Guarantor (USER "at CERN" with role Team Leader or Spokesperson, GPRO, VISC, COAS, or any MPEs).                

• Applicable policies depend on reservation type i.e. "Individual", "Group" or "Block" reservation.

• No person is allowed to have simultaneous reservations (i.e. be part of a Group reservation and have an individual reservation for the same dates).

• Reservations are nominative and cannot be transferred to another person.

• Maximum advance reservation limit is 4 months before the foreseen date of arrival, except for visiting school groups, which is 9 months, and USERs / VISC / COAS / GPRO, which is 6 months.

Statuses not specifically mentioned in this document will be treated on an ad-hoc basis.

CERN Hotel Eligibility according to Registration Status whilst at CERN
(* changes applied from April 1, 2025)

Type Registration Status Whilst at CERN Can stay at CERN Hotel? Maximum Duration per Hotel Stay How long in advance can a reservation be made? Remarks

USER - User
VISC - Visiting Scientist
COAS - Cooperation Associate
GPRO - Guest Professor
PJAS - Project Associate
EXAS - Experiment Associate
SASS - Scientific Associate
CASS - Corresponding Associate

Yes 90 Nights 6 months*  
ADMI - Administrative Student
DOCT - Doctoral Student
FTMP - Future Staff Member
TECH - Technical Student
TRNE - Trainee
Yes 90 Nights 4 months

• Beginning of contract: Reservation can be done for a period starting at the earliest 89 days before the contract start date, and ending at the latest 89 days after the contract start date. (Also valid for apartments managed by the Housing Service).

• End of contract: Reservation can be done for a period starting at the earliest 89 days before the contract end date, and ending at the latest 3 days after the contract end date. (Also valid for apartments managed by the Housing Service).*

APPR - Apprentice No N/A N/A • Apprentices taking part in local collaboration programmes.
• Reside in the local area and therefore cannot stay at the Hotel.
SUMM - Summer Student Yes 90 Nights 4 months • Summer Student Programme managed by HR Dept. and IR Sectors.

FELL - Fellow
STAF - Staff Member
GRAD - Graduates (GRAE / GRAF / GRAP)

Yes 90 Nights 4 months

• Beginning of contract: Reservation can be done for a period starting at the earliest 89 days before the contract start date, and ending at the latest 89 days after the contract start date. (Also valid for apartments managed by the Housing Service).

• End of contract: Reservation can be done for a period starting at the earliest 89 days before the contract end date, and ending at the latest 3 days after the contract end date. (Also valid for apartments managed by the Housing Service).*


30 days • During their contract, MPEs can use the hotel to improve their working comfort. In this context, reservation can only be made 30 days in advance. A limited number of rooms is available for them.*

Other categories of people

Non member of the personnel

ENTC - Contractor's personnel
TEMC - Temporary personnel

Yes 90 Nights 30 days • During their work at CERN, Contractor's personnel can use the hotel to improve their working comfort. In this context, reservation can only be made 30 days in advance. A limited number of rooms is available for them.*
RETR - Retired Member of Personnel
EXMP - Ex Member of Personnel
No N/A N/A  
Type Registration Status Whilst at CERN Can stay at CERN Hotel? Maximum Duration per Stay How long in advance can a reservation be made? Remarks
Externals ACCO - Person accompanying  Member of the Personnel with physical disabilities Yes 90 Nights 4 months  
CAND - Participant to an onsite interview Yes 2 Nights (nights before, or after, or both, depending on available travel schedule for the home station) 4 months • Reservation request done by HR.
COMT - Official CERN committee members Yes 90 Nights 4 months  
CONF - External official conference attendant or non-renumerated speaker Yes 90 Nights 4 months  
CLUB - CERN Clubs external members No N/A N/A • No connection to official activities of CERN.
DIST - External participants in activities and projects, working exclusively remotely No N/A N/A • Can not have a CERN access card. 1
EUPR - External participants in EU Projects Yes 90 Nights 4 months  
FORM - External participants in training courses organised by CERN Yes N° of training days + 1 Night for early arrivals 4 months • External participants to training organised by HR/LD, when in the interest of CERN.
• Confirmation of training attendance from HR/LD obligatory.
GACR - Member of GAC committee Yes 5 Nights 4 months • By invitation from Pension Fund
GUID - CERN Guide with dosimeter No N/A N/A Except under "last minute offer" conditions
HOST - Host State's authorities No N/A N/A Except under "last minute offer" conditions
ILOF - Industrial Liaison Officer Yes 5 Nights 4 months • Nominated by IPT.
KIND - Child attending the CERN nursery school or the accompanying person who is not a member of personel No N/A N/A • No connection to official activities of CERN.
PART - External people participating in an experiment. Do not actually come to CERN. No N/A N/A • Only service available to PART is a computer account. Other services and facilities will not be granted. 

PROJ  - External participant in the following activities and projects (exhaustive list):
- Knowledge Transfer - KT Forum
- European Particle Physics Communication Network, EPPCN
- International Particle Physics Outreach Group, IPPOG
- Teacher and Student Forum
- Physics Education Research -
- Arts@CERN & Special Guest Programme
- Participant in the CLEAR or CLIC projects Projects Office
- Participant in the FCC or HL-LHC projects Projects Office
- Participant in the activities of the CHARM or HiRadMat research facilities Secretariat responsible for the project
- Participant in KT projects 
- Participant in INSPIRE
- Participant in IdeaSquare
- Volunteer participating to events organised by Local Engagement Team (IR-ECO-VI)

Yes 90 Nights 4 months • See further details at the link below 1.
RETC - Contributing Retiree
RETP - Participating Retiree
Yes 4 Weeks 4 months  
SCIE - Scientific activities of pensioners from institutes who have previously been a USER.
Yes 4 Weeks 4 months
• Upon official invitation by CERN.
STAG - Intern ≥ 18 years Yes 90 Nights* 4 months  
STAG - Intern < 18 years (maximum 1 person) Yes 15 Nights (length of internship + 1 Night for early arrivals)2 4 months • On special request only.
• Minimum age of 16 years at date of arrival at CERN.
• Special conditions apply.
STAG - Intern < 18 years (high school groups) Yes
(No reservations accepted from mid-June to mid-September).
15 Nights (length of internship + 1 Night for early arrivals)2 4 months • For officially recognised  CERN high school collaborations only (IR).
• Minimum age of 16 years at date of arrival at CERN.
• Accompanying teacher(s) is responsible for the group and has to stay at the CERN Hotel in the same building.
• One teacher is required per 15 students.
• Special conditions apply.
VISI - Professional visitors to LHC or underground facilities. Yes 4 Nights (maximum duration of CERN visitor's card + 1 Night for early arrivals) 1 4 months  

CERN Hotel Eligibility according to Registration Status Whilst at CERN - Non-registered person

Type Registration Status Whilst at CERN Can stay at CERN Hotel? Maximum Duration per Stay How long in advance can a reservation be made? Remarks
Non-registered Persons Visiting High School Groups  Yes
(No reservations accepted from June 1 to August 31).
3 Nights (maximum duration of CERN visitor's card is 2 Days + 1 Night for early arrivals)3 9 months*

• Max 60 rooms for School groups on Monday to Thursday nights inclusive. No limit on Friday to Sunday nights inclusive.*
• Minimum age of 16 years at the date of arrival at CERN.
• Visit must be registered with the Visits Service.
• N° of nights allowed depends on the planned programme which must be communicated to the Housing Service at the time of reservation.
• Acompanying teachers are responsible for the group and has to stay at the CERN Hotel in the same building.
• One teacher is required per 15 students.
• Visiting School Groups may not use the Hotel kitchens.

Official Visitor Yes 3 Nights (maximum duration of CERN visitor's card is 2 Days + 1 Night for early arrivals)3 4 months • Official visitors, provided that a written request is received from either the person in charge of the Visits Service or the person responsible for VIP visits.
• Official visitors invited by Departments, provided that a written request is received from a CERN guarantor (MPEs).
• Planned programme must be communicated to the Housing Service at the time of reservation.
Individual Visitor Yes, only on Friday to Sunday nights inclusive 3 Nights (maximum duration of CERN visitor's card is 2 Days + 1 Night for early arrivals)3 3 weeks • Individual visitors invited for a visit organised by an MPE.
• Visit must be registered by the Visit Service
• CERN Guarantor is responsible for access to the CERN site and safety of their guests
Visit Service Visitor Only No N/A N/A • Groups of individuals with no link to the organisation (tourists).



3  les-visiteurs-et-les-participants-aux-conferences


Reservation Process

The CERN Housing Service operates the Web Booking Tool to permit guests already registered in the CERN database to reserve rooms in the CERN Hotel and the Foyer Résidence Schuman in Saint-Genis-Pouilly.

If a reservation cannot be made through this interface, it may still be done by contacting the CERN Housing Service directly through this booking form in Service Now.

All persons not yet registered at CERN, or registered with a non-accepted status at the time of reservation, must supply the name of a CERN guarantor who certifies the reason for the stay at CERN and who confirms under which status they will be registered whilst at CERN. Groups and Block Reservations  must also submit a guarantor.

Guarantors must be MPEs (STAF, FELL, GRADs), or USER "at CERN" with role Team Leader or Spokesperson, or GPRO, VISC, COAS.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the images and text contained on the Housing webpages are as accurate as possible, variations in the accommodation offered may occur. It is the responsibility of each guest to determine the suitability of accommodations for his/her individual needs prior to making a reservation.

The cost of the reservation is indicated during the reservation process as a tax-inclusive amount in Swiss Francs.  The cost is quoted on a room-only basis for the number of people and the dates specified in the reservation.  The CERN Hotel does not provide any meals.

The reservation form shall be completed truthfully and accurately.

No room reservation can be confirmed before all necessary information is provided to the CERN Hotel. The CERN Hotel shall acknowledge receipt of the reservation by email indicating the contract offer; the services reserved; the total cost; and the terms and conditions of sale. This acknowledgement of reservation completes the contract between the CERN Hotel and the guest.

In the event that there is a discrepancy between the acknowledgement of reservation and these terms and conditions, the relevant clauses of the acknowledgement of reservation shall prevail.

The CERN Hotel shall not be held responsible for the non-fulfillment or inadequate fulfillment of the reservation in the event of force majeure, actions of third parties, or actions of the guest.

Guarantee and Payment

All reservations, regardless of origin, are payable in Swiss Francs.

Reservations shall be secured with a valid financial guaranty at the time of reservation. Either of the following is accepted as a guaranty:

•           Credit Card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, JCB)

•           CERN Budget Code with the approval of the Budget Code holder

•           CERN Team Code with the approval of the Team Code holder

The financial guaranties are for the purposes of securing the reservation; they are not charged at the time of reservation.

Payment shall be made upon arrival at or departure from the CERN Hotel. (The bill balance must not exceed 500 CHF at any time). The payment method of the stay can be different from the guaranty (e.g. cash). 

CERN Hotel Cancellation/Modification Policy

The applicable cancellation policy depends on the type of reservation, duration of stay as well as the size of the quota.


Types of reservations:

Any set of 9 rooms or more  is considered as either a Group or a Block, and the appropriate policy is applicable.

Individual Reservation: Reservations made for one individual. The individual is financially responsible and supplies a financial guaranty.

Group Reservations: Reservations made for groups of individuals with known names. The organiser manages the group, remains the liaison person and supplies a financial guaranty, and remains financially responsible for the Group 2.

Block Reservations: Reservations made for groups of individuals, whose names are not known. The organiser supplies a financial guaranty. A booking form to be completed for each individual in the block is sent to the organiser. The individuals fill out and send the form to the Hotel Reception. The individual supplies a financial guaranty. From this time, the individual becomes financially responsible.

Duration of Stay:

  • Number of nights reserved.


  • Number of rooms times number of nights.

Financial Guaranty:

A financial guaranty is necessary to secure the reservation and will be used in case of late cancellation or no-show. Either of the following are accepted as guaranty:

  • Credit Card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, JCB)

  • CERN Budget Code with the approval of the Budget Code holder

  • CERN Team Code with the approval of the Team Code holder

    N.B.: The payment method of the stay can be different from the guaranty (e.g. cash).

1 One bed in a shared room is considered as one room in this policy.

2 Payment method may be different from the provided means of financial guaranty.


Cancellation/Modification Policy per Reservation Type and by Quota

Individual Reservation Cancellation/Modification Policy:

  • Cancellation and modification are accepted free of charge until 14:00 (CET) 2 days before the foreseen day of arrival.

  • Reduction of length of stay is accepted free of charge until 12:00 (CET) on the day of departure.

  • In case of a no-show, the first night of the reservation is charged at 100% to the supplied means of financial guaranty. The rest of the stay is automatically cancelled by 12:00 (CET) on the day following the no-show.

Group Reservation Cancellation/Modification Policy:

For the organiser:

  • Beds not confirmed with a name will be automatically released by 14:00 (CET) 30 days before the foreseen day of arrival.

  • 100% of the initially reserved nightly quota can be cancelled free of charge until 14:00 (CET) 30 days before the foreseen day of arrival.

  • 50 % of the confirmed nightly quota can be cancelled free of charge until 14:00 (CET) 15 days before the foreseen day of arrival. Any cancelled quota above 50% will be charged to the supplied means of financial guaranty.

  • 25 % of the remaining confirmed nightly quota can be cancelled free of charge until 14:00 (CET) 7 days before the foreseen day of arrival. Any cancelled quota above 25 % will be charged to the supplied means of financial guaranty.

  • 5 % of the remaining confirmed nightly quota can be cancelled free of charge until 14:00 (CET) 2 days before the foreseen day of arrival. Any cancelled quota above 5 % will be charged to the supplied means of financial guaranty.

  • In case of cancellation of the remaining confirmed quota occurring between 14:00 (CET) 2 days before the foreseen day of arrival and the end of the booked period, 100% of the cancelled quota will be charged to the supplied means of financial guaranty.

Block Reservation Cancellation/Modification Policy

For the organiser:

  • Beds not confirmed will be automatically released by 14:00 (CET) 30 days before the foreseen day of arrival.

  • 100% of the initially reserved quota can be cancelled free of charge until 14:00 (CET) 30 days before the foreseen day of arrival.

For the guests (group members):

  • Cancellation and modification are accepted free of charge until 14:00 (CET) 2 days before the foreseen day of arrival.

  • Reduction of length of stay is accepted free of charge until 12:00 (CET) on the day of departure.

  • In case of a no-show, the first night of the reservation is charged at 100% to the supplied means of financial guaranty. The rest of the stay is automatically cancelled by 12:00 (CET) on the day following the no-show.


  • In case of numerous and simultaneous individual no-show or modifications, where it may be suspected that the organiser no longer needs the rooms, e.g. cancellation of a planned workshop or similar, at the sole discretion of the CERN Hotel, may result in the charging the unused quota to the supplied means of financial guaranty (evaluated on a case by case basis).

  • For groups with 100 rooms per night or more, more restrictive conditions may apply.

  • It is the responsibility of the Group/Block organiser to ensure that everyone involved in the reservation is aware of the above-mentioned policies.

  • No charge will apply in case of force majeure or in case of sickness of the guest, with a medical certificate.

Check-in and check-out
Check-in time is 14:00 (CET) on the foreseen day of arrival.

Unless expressly specified otherwise in the emailed acknowledgement of reservation, check-out time is 12:00 (CET) on the last day of the reservation. Check-out time for visiting School Groups is 10:00 (CET) on the last day of the reservation. Failure to check-out and vacate the room by the check-out time shall automatically result in a penalty equivalent to the cost of the first night of the reservation being charged to the financial guarantee used to secure the reservation.

Data Privacy

The Housing Service is operating in accordance with the respective data processing policies: please refer to the related Privacy Notice 00060.

Contact information

For questions relating to CERN hotel reservations, customer service is open as follows:


Monday – Friday      07:30 to 00:00 (local time)
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 09:00 to 00:00
Telephone +41 22 767 44 81
Email (link sends e-mail)

Customer Reservations

CERN Hotel

1211 Geneva 23
