Mobility Plan



Improvement of Accessibility and Safety for Alternative Means of Transportation

To encourage the use of sustainable mobility alternatives, it is important to improve accessibility and safety conditions at various access points.

Objectives and actions 2024-2028

  • Renovate the entrances at the different sites to enable independent access for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians in complete safety.
  • Carry out a feasibility study (technical and legal) for creating new access gates for bicycles and pedestrians in Meyrin to improve the connection with the Prévessin site.
  • Create a new path for pedestrian and cyclists from the entrance in the “Route de Maroc” in Prévessin, towards buildings 967-927.



Improvement of Accessibility and Internal Mobility for People with Reduced Mobility

A screenshot of a map

Description automatically generated A screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated CERN must ensure accessibility for all users to buildings, facilities and infrastructures that may be up to 70 years old. While there are currently measures available to users with specific needs (such as adapted transportation, modifications to new offices or large auditoriums, special maps as shown in the image below), this mobility plan proposes actions to further increase the independence of users with special mobility needs.









Objectives and actions 2024-2028

  • Provision of electric vehicles adapted for individuals with mobility issues (rental of vehicles on-demand by prior request).
  • Integration and supplementation of information on accessibility features for people with reduced mobility in existing mobile applications.