
Building 100, also known as CERN’s main workshop, was built in 1957 to host machining, sheet metal and welding activities. Its usage has remained unchanged since its construction.
This building has been upgraded over time to respond to the evolving needs and adapt to the constant evolution of technologies and growing demand.
Building 72 was added in 1965 to accommodate offices needed to manage these activities. Around 60 technicians and engineers are currently working in buildings 100 & 72.
This continuous evolution over the past 64 years has made it possible to ensure the essential mission of the workshops towards the Organization, but with certain weaknesses that require to be addressed.
The building complex is no longer coherent and therefore difficult to maintain. The poor thermal insulation is responsible of high daily and seasonal temperature variations that are incompatible with high-technology precision and with the new generation of machining machines.
The purpose of the project is to fully consolidate building 100, the historic workshop of CERN. A new building, named building 99 will replace the existing building 72, accommodating the installation of an additional workshop surface and modern offices.