Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Traceability And Control

1. Introduction

PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment) are specialized clothing or equipment worn by employees for protection against health and safety hazards. They are designed to protect many parts of the body, i.e., eyes, head, face, hands, feet, and ears. The use of personal protective equipment is to reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or ineffective, they therefore reduce these risks to acceptable levels.

PPEs are classified in 3 categories. Category III is intended to protect against mortal danger, or against dangers that may seriously and irreversibly harm the health of an individual.

CERN Stores now offers a service to trace, control and collect such equipment!


Category 3 PPEs distributed by CERN Stores:

  • Gloves / Masks

gloves masks    


  • Working with heights

hauteur 1 hauteur 2 hauteur 3 hauteur 4
hauteur 5 hauteur 6 hauteur 7  



2. Scope of the service


  • Take over existing PPEs not tracked (around 10'000)
  • Alle new PPEs through CERN stores



  • Certified controllers
  • @ CERN stores in building 73 (Opening Hours)
  • Regular visits to CERN Point sites (**time schedule to be planned with the CERN Stores management**)


PPE Control
For the control of PPE materials, please follow this process:

  1. E-mail notification received by the holder of the equipment that the PPE material should be controlled.
  2. Please bring the PPE to the CERN Stores (building 73-R-002, during the above-mentioned opening hours)
  3. The material will be taken by the warehouse team and the PPE control responsible will do the yearly or five-year control. *
  4. We will label your material with your CERN ID and date of deposition.
  5. You will receive an e-mail notification when the material is controlled and if it passed/not passed the control.
  6. You can then pick it up at the CERN Stores within the opening hours. 
  7. If the equipment does not pass the control, it will be destroyed, and a new material needs to be ordered via EDH Material request.
  8. If the control of the equipment is urgent, please mention it at the moment of disposition at the CERN Stores desk. If the PPE control responsible is present at this moment, the control can be done more quickly.
  9. If you would have any further question, please do not hesitate to open a SNOW ticket

*Please note that an equipment which reaches his 10 years of service needs to be destroyed and a new material is to be ordered via EDH Material request to replace it. The PPE with end-of-life needs to be returned as well to the CERN Stores so that we can organize the proper disposal of the equipment.

Self Rescue Masks

This service, which also belongs to the Central Store, consists in checking the compliance of the self-rescue masks used by the personnel who moves in the tunnel. An annual review is done for each mask and after five years of use a complete rehabilitation is planned (brought into conformity, change of joints…). All the self-rescue masks are listed in a system and the convocations are made automatically.

However the self-rescue masks bought outside the Central Store are not supported by CERN, the user will have to contact the supplier directly.