Book now

1. Location

This procedure concerns the CERN Hotel (Buildings 38, 39, and 41, CERN Meyrin site, Switzerland) and Saint-Genis Hostel (Saint Genis-Pouilly, France, 2.6 km from Meyrin site and 2.5 km from Prévessin site).

Any reservation confirmed implies that the guest has read and understand the Code of Conduct for the Hotel and Apartments.


2. How to book

WITH a valid CERN computer account WITHOUT a valid CERN computer account

CERN web booking*


The following requests should only be used if you do not have access to the CERN web booking application or by phone: +41 22 767 4481 CERN Hotel Booking request
  CERN Hotel cancel booking request or by phone: +41 22 767 4481


* Online reservations with the CERN web booking for the CERN hotel and the Foyer RĂ©sidence Schumann in Saint Genis are subject to the following requirements:

The person must also have:

  • an active CERN account;
  • a valid credit card (American Express, Visa, Mastercard, or Diners Club).


  • If you are a CERN secretariat:

    • For a workshop:
WITH  a valid CERN computer account
Step 1 First, a reservation should be made even if you have no names yet : Request for a workshop reservation at CERN hotel
Step 2 At least one month before the beginning of the workshop, a list of names should be sent to the Hotel Reception by using the request Confirmation of a workshop booking at the CERN hotel
  Cancel workshop booking or by phone: +41 22 767 4481



  • If you are a teacher in the context of official visits**:

    • For a school group (school or university studies):
Step 1 Group booking request
Step 2 Confirm group booking reservation with a list of participants
  Cancel group booking request or by phone: +41 22 767 4481


** These visits must have been validated and registered by the Visits Service. The list of participants will be sent by the school. For more details: CERN Booking rules.



  • If you are a candidate invited for a selection board:

These requests can only be made through the travel agency Carlson Wagonlit which is in contact with the invited candidate and HR department.

Requests for Carlson Wagonlit and HR Department only
Room booking for an invited candidate
Cancel room booking for a candidate



3. Waiting list

When CERN Hotels are fully booked and a room is needed for the coming night, it is possible to enroll in a day-to-day waiting list by sending an email to CERN Housing as of 8:00 pm the day before. Requests will be treated on a first come first serve basis, based on the arrival date/time of the emails.

You can also try to book a room on a day-to-day basis using the CERN web booking.